How you can help

Millennium Church is FREE.  It costs nothing to attend or participate. And NO ONE receives a salary. We are all volunteers.

However, it does cost to buy chairs ($850), rent auditoriums  and pay for web sites, CCLI license, special speakers, etc. So we do need help.

For the present all donations are being handled for us by Nashville Assembly of God, as Millennium Church does not yet have 501c3 status (we will soon).  

You can give by:

1) check (made payable to Nashville Assembly of God, with Millennium Church on the memo line), and mailed to:

     Nashville AG

      735 Reed Street

     Nashville, MI 49073

2) in person at our meetings on Sundays (cash, or check made payable as above)

You will receive a tax-deductible receipt at the end of the year if you give via Nashville Assembly of God as described above. THANK YOU!

NOTE: We are working on online giving, and hope to have that working in the next few days or weeks.